Sunday, January 28, 2007

<- Diversion ->

At about 11pm last night, I was trotting on home after a suspiciously early exit from Jesters. I was still tired, it's a continuous affliction for me as anyone who's read this blog more than once can attest to. Also, full to the brim with buffet curry from earlier on, I wasn't in the mood for shuffling away on the dance floor for the odd 4 hours. Well, anyway, it's been a good while since I've done anything slightly illegal, so on the way back home, as I casually swaggered past a diversion road sign, it may or may not have disappeared. It may or not not be on the top shelf of my bookcase right now. It's absence may or may not have caused a massive pile-up in downtown Southampton. Feeling quite happy with my street furniture haul, I was settling off to bed when one of my less, shall we say, exciting housemates knocked on my bedroom door and asked me if the sign wasn't the property of the Highways Commission. I despair of some people's sense of fun, I really do. By the way, don't go shouting this around guys, I don't want to get evicted quicker than Jade was.
I bought travel insurance for my upcoming summer medical elective to India today. I lied a little. Do I have any reason to believe that my trip will be dangerous or require cancellation? Oh no, none at all. Apart from malaria, gastroenteritis, needlestick injury, typhoid, failing my exams, and a million other consequences of fate. But hey, I could get hit by a bus, as they say.
Bristol City predictably held their own against Middlesborough, so confidently in fact that we decided that we may as well beat them at their place and take some more gate receipts.
Back to Older People's Care (geriatrics to you un-PC, normal people) tomorrow. I'm currently only doing as much work as necessary and waiting until after my essay is handed in to knuckle down to the clinical stuff.