Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Exams : A Review

Right, for my own record and for your curiosity, here's how the questions panned out today.

In the morning, we had a 2 hour long essay paper which involved 3 questions, which were further split into subsections. The first was on the menstrual cycle and the associated hormones, which I dealt with well, apart from the later sections in which everybody apparently did badly. I'd like to think I got at least a D overall here.

The second subject was renal failure. I answered a small sub question confidently enough, but the bulk of the marks were lost to nervous rambling about things which may or may not have been relevant. Given a day to think through the answers, I would've been okay, but the time restraints were extremely bad.

The final question was the compulsory bastard, this year on MRSA. It was safe to say that my classmates knew nothing about his from the books, and everything we wrote down was either common sense, or dug out from a distant, faded and dusty memory room of A Levels and first year lectures.

On one hand, I'd like to think that the combined average of poor performance of my peers and my own haphazard effort will combine to form a D grade, but wishful thinking is not unknown to me. An E is less unlikely than partially expected.

This leads me to my hopeful saviour, the afternoon short-answer paper. God knows I'm better when the answer is only one word, and if you don't know it, it costs you one mark at the most. There were many easy questions, for example the stuff on thyroid was just like taking candy from a baby, but the harder questions were bloody awful. Presented with a photo of a slice of brain, we had to define the abnormalities and name the area involved. To me, to most of us, it just looked like...brain. Luckily though, for the most part, it was a solid exam and I expect to get no worse than a C for it.
Which begs the final and most important question....is the solidity of the afternoon paper going to make up for the flimsiness of the morning paper? Only time will tell.


Anonymous said...

Oddly enough, I was waiting for your take on this year's exam...signs of a good blogger? :p

I am pretty sure I managed an E or D on the first paper! I managed to actually meet the page limit for only the cyclical changes bit! Most other questions were answered with brief paragraphs, with as much knowledge as many 11 year olds are privy to...yes I didn't forget the emphasis on hand washing...

Paper 2 - I was sure at the time that I had failed the intermediates...without even reaching the OSCEs...a classic indeed! ;)Well, the PD question was sweet, and things only got better as the paper progressed, though I didn't fancy the meningitis question much.

So a C on paper 2 and an E on paper 1...a sure fail...unless of course the SoM helps us out like they did in the Neuro exam...:D

Do you think that the SoM deliberately engineered a difficult paper I, after calls from Oxbridge to 'toughen' up their methods of assessment, and more importantly in light of the new MTAS selection roll out?

The Ante Poster said...

Firstly, a C and an E equals a D, and therefore a pass, I'm thinking along the same lines myself...
The PD question was a bit shit, and the first exam involved me babbling like a retard, hopefully writing enough coherent sentences to get through.
Yeah, moderation could well come into play, there was no asthma, no lung cancer or COPD, and no Crohn's, for a start.
Apparently the woman in the endocrine question of paper 1 had PCOS, although I know only 2 people that got it, one by guessing. I put hypothyroid myself, and will be hoping for follow-on marks from my plan.

Anonymous said...

Hey mate...looking forward to your take on the OSCEs and what you think about the SoM board of directors apparently having to meet up today since so many people failed the papers?!? :-s

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