Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Final Lap

With 6 days until the first and hardest exam of a total of three, it's about time we all dug deep inside of ourselves to try and find that impossible sixth gear which lets us work for ten continuous hours when we already have no fuel left in the tank. Like Roger Bannister without the flailing limbs and suggestively tight shorts, the idea is to grit your teeth, give it all you have and throw yourself over the finishing line with as little regret of wasted energy as possible.

For me, as is the case for nearly all of us, this isn't easy because with 5 consecutive years of exams already behind us, it's not exactly a novelty. And my own personal revision technique, involving re-reading the same text over and over again on a repeating schedule of topics doesn't really make me want to jump for joy.

The perfect balance between overconfident laziness and suicidal desperation is hard to achieve, let alone maintain, so it's time to fasten your seat belt as I try to hold on to my sanity, racing towards the exams, at last.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm...you looked very serene and calm in SGH library today afternoon...are you sure it is brown alert time? I did notice though that unlike your colleagues you seemed to only have K & C or the like with you, so maybe you are scared dead! ;)

Hmmm...I guess the end is near, and to me, it gives quite some much needed relief. Not having had a 'real' freaking exam this year apart from paeds, I am looking forward to that adrenaline rush before exams and that feel of relief and almost orgasmic bliss following a paper one hopes to have passed...

The Ante Poster said...

Well, I'm not sure about orgasmic bliss, but I guess that depends on your personal way of celebrating the end of the exams, doesn't it.
Hmmm...I saw so few people today, my list of candidates for this anonymous message is quite short....As for K+C, they're my two best friends, and thankyou for making my use of their book seem a little basic...now I'm scared again x

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