Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Pressure is on : BrownCom 3

Sorry I've been away so long, I've been shallowly trying to convince myself that staring into the middle-distance and dreaming of sleep actually counts as revision simply because I'm in the library. In truth, I've done a fair bit, but as usual it's all been slightly rushed and poor concentration has led to a jumble of unspecific, unrelated facts becoming the peak of my theoretical prowess.

My shit-yourself-o-meter has been increased accordingly, with the exams only 2 weeks away. Every other course has finished, and a lot of my friends have now completed their degrees and are out job-hunting with their 2:1s. Ah, money, I believe I remember what that looks like.

On the plus side, my mock practical exam went okay. Failing is nearly impossible because they give you half the marks you need to pass if you simply act in the polite manner and are "sympathetic" to the pateint while you make up some random lie-answers to their questions because you have no fucking clue.

Basically, I should be fine, unless we get an absolute bastard of a question in the essay-format exam.

I've said that before.....

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